Brookwood Station
Available Homes
Brookwood Station is a Prominence Homes community located at the corner of Brookwood Parkway and George Newell Road just south of Brookwood, Alabama. It’s convenient to Vance, the Mercedes-Benz manufacturing plant, and I-20/59. It’s only a few minutes from Tuscaloosa, as well as an easy commute to Bessemer and Birmingham. The community features three- and four-bedroom floor plans with double garages. Every home has a 30-year roof and energy efficient doors and windows. Inside are LVP floors in the common areas and bathrooms, carpet in the bedrooms, quartz counters in the kitchen and baths, and gorgoeous cabinetry. Every home includes stainless kitchen appliances, including a refrigerator, and Delta faucets for durability and longevity. Take advantage of low-maintenance living in Brookwood Station today!
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Jeffrey Harris
License #: 154311
Jeffrey Harris Real Estate Consulting
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